We just received a lovely feedback from one of our clients today and are delighted to share it with you. It always makes us very proud (and happy of course) when we see that the therapy has yet again shown wonderful results.

It amazes us again and again how many of our clients had had their eyes checked before coming to us and 'everything was ok'. One more time a reminder that an eye-check (for acuity / eye-sight) is not the same as a proper assessment for functional vision.
We first visited Orthovision slightly panicked by our daughter falling behind her peers in reading. Her teacher suggested we did a comprehensive eye test to see if there were any sight related issues. Ella's eye-sight had been tested before so we were taken aback by the revelation that she suffered from poor coordination of the eye balls. At that time we were not aware that this condition had such an immense impact on learning. Zoran patiently explained and put our minds at ease, that with therapy, Ella's vision can improve. He was there to answer any queries or concerns we came up with. He was very honest in saying that the therapy required dedication but that it would pay off. We are now a year into the treatment. Ella has worked very hard over the last twelve months with in house and at home therapy. However, as Zoran promised, her vision improved dramatically. Her reading improved greatly and her ability to focus is also much better. I think what's most important is that, thanks to Zoran, we identified the problem early on and managed to save Ella from any self esteem issues that older children may suffer from as a result of falling behind at school. And for that we will be forever grateful.
Thank you, Ms JB for your feedback - we wish you and Ella all the very best!