Today, we want to give you some guidelines on which situations that make it difficult for your eyes to perform you should try to avoid.
In addition, we want you to know which strategies you can follow for your eyes (and therefore you) to perform at an optimal level.
The list might also be useful for teachers who have students with visual challenges in their classes.
So, if you or your child suffer from visual problems, try to steer clear of the following:
Small print
Sustained near point work
Pages full of print with low line spacing
Crowded text that is close together
Flickering fluorescent lights
Copying from chalkboard to paper on desk

Talk to the teacher about your child's challenges and try to ensure that your child:
Does not need to read in front of the class without prior warning
Gets enough time to think when asked a question
Might require eye contact when spoken to
Can avoid timed tests (or get more time for tests)
Giving right/left instructions to students with poor directionality
Can copy text written in dark ink on overhead projectors/white boards
Is allowed more time for copying from the board and/or can move closer to the chalkboard - ideally, material to be copied would be placed on his/her desk...
Does not write before developmentally ready .
By implementing these changes into everyday work and tasks, you can help your child / student / yourself and thus support your eyes:
Choose a larger print for documents
Plan and time visual breaks during sustained near point work (set your alarm after 20 minutes and make sure you take a 5-minute 'eye-break')
Increase the font on mobile devices
Reduce the number of items on the page
Use “fat” pencils and crayons or special pencil grips
Work on slanted reading surfaces
Work under natural lighting or full spectrum light bulbs
Use “highlighter” pens to help with reading
Take proper breaks - which means: don't go on other screens but do something physical!